The only person whose life we should study in minute details and apply it to our daily lives is the Imām of all prophets… Hadrat Muhammad Mustafā (sāllallāhu alayhi wa sallam), who was sent as a mercy onto the worlds.
This captivating work which can be read and listened to in a warm family environment is an abridged version of’Qisās al-Anbiyā’ and ‘Tawārikh al-Khulafā’ authored by Ahmet Cevdet Paşa (Ahmad Jawdat Pasha), one of the exceptional figures, great statesman and historian of the late Ottoman period.
“A Concise Sirah Of Rasûlullâh (Peygamber Efendimiz’in Muhtasar Hayatı – İngilizce)” için İlk Yorum Yazan Siz Olun!